Georgetown, Exumas

Logbook 11/29/06
Location: 23 31.136 N 075 45.377 W
Gaviot Bay-Stocking Island, Exuma
Wind at 25 knots from east Tuesday nite making it rough in Georgetown harbour. Went across the bay to hide by Stocking Island. Great beach front bar/restaurant called “Chat N Chill”. Best BBQ ribs we have ever eaten! Not a bad place to lay up for a couple days & hide from the wind.
Logbook 11/30/06
Dinghy rides/loafing on the beach/reading/walk across the island to check out the wave height on Exuma Sound. Still quite rough.
Logbook 12/1/06
Pulled anchor to run over to Georgetown for refueling, water & dropping off garbage. A short walk to the internet hot spot to update the blog. Weather report looks good for a Saturday departure to Mayaguana. That is the last stop in the Bahamas. Then a 45 mile run to Provo, Turks & Caicos to refuel & pick up the new batteries we ordered.
We finally feel like we are on vacation. We are in Georgetown the last island in the Bahamas before we drop down to the Exumas. We have been here for 2 full days enjoying dingy explorations and dips in the beautiful “chilly waters”. We will most likely leave tomorrow after the rather STRONG winds die down so our crossing to the Exumas is more comfortable. Real rough seas so far on the trip from our exit from Fla. to here. We are anchored just off a great little open air bar that also sells food and serves as the social hub for all the boaters in this anchorage. Some boaters here live on their boats full time, others during the winter months and just a few are passing through. There is a picture out side the bar/restaurant here that has a directional post listing how far it is the many places, including,if you can believe, Greenville, N.C. home of ECU, Blake’s soon to be alma Mater How about that for a small world!!
Fair weather & following seas,
Gary & Faye
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