In the Bahamas!!!

Logbook 11/26/06
Pulled anchor at first light. Ran the ICW to Lake Worth Inlet & went outside to avoid all the bridges & Manatee zones. Got a weather report at Miami that looked favorable so we ran across the Gulf Stream to Bimini. Finally made it out of the US! Stayed at the Bimini Big Game Club (Hemingway’s Marina).
Logbook 11/27/06
Departed first light from Bimini. Ran across the Grand Bahama Bank, past Nassau & made it to Highborne Cay in time to fuel up. Dropped anchor to a star filled sky.
Logbook 11/28/06
Awoke to alarm from the electric panel at 5:00 AM. Voltage at 10.5 volts in the house batteries. Had to start the main engine to run the alternator & begin charge. Down into the engine room to override circuits & start the generator to get back up to 13 volts quickly. The main house batteries must be dying. Had noticed some symptoms when under heavy load, like using thrusters. Will attempt to replace at Georgetown, Exuma.
Ran to Georgetown. Rough seas on Exuma Sound. May be stuck here for a few days. Weather forecast not good. Front coming through.
Fair weather & following seas,
Gary & Faye
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